Super Plant of the Week: Red Cabbage

Super Plant of The Week: Red Cabbage


Purple cabbage, otherwise known as red cabbage, is part of the mustard family. It is related to broccoli, brussels sprouts and kale. Cabbage takes on different hues based on the pH of the soil it is grown in. Acidic soil takes on a reddish color, neutral soil turns cabbage purple and basic soil creates the greenish yellow color that most are familiar with.  

Red cabbage is incredibly versatile, easily switching from main dishes to a garnish for side dishes—but that’s not all! Did you know that red cabbage juice can be used as a pH indicator? That’s right! Red cabbage contains a pigment called flavin that changes colors based off the acidity of your solution. Check out how to conduct your own pH experiment here

Speaking of science, let’s talk about the nutritional benefits of red cabbage.  In a raw, one-cup serving, this superfood contains:  22 calories, 1 gram of protein, 2 grams of fiber, 2.8 grams of sugar, vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B6, Potassium, Thiamine, and Folate. 

 Try red cabbage in your next coleslaw or steamed as a side dish. Check out our blog this week for fun ways to prepare our #superplant of the week! 

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